So I have been struggling trying to find a way to send some numbers for a script I need from a local player to the server. The thing is, I only want this to be one player on one specific team, so I don’t want everyone to be able to use it, any way I try and send the numbers it wont go threw I’m not getting any errors either.
Here is my code: Local GUI:
local event = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("WageChange")
local wage = script.Parent.Value
local remoteevent = game.ReplicatedStorage.WageChange
remoteevent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, wage)
script.Parent.Value.Value = wage
can you show us more details i.e picture or video of your scripts, object hierarcy, where wagechange is etc.
we know its not going through so something isn’t right, but literally no idea whats wrong cause the code is spot on in terms of theoretical functionality
you could consider adding wait(5) before firing to server to see if that helps