I need help with stickers show up on bubble chat

im trying to make a sticker in my game so whats sticker is just a image that show up in the bubble chat when click on a gui you can see an example in this game
here is an example of what i need

i already checked everywhere for help but im lost and for some reason my brain cant think on how to make the system so if you know what thing i can use or any inbuilt functions that let me do pls let me know thanks for reading

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They’re using an offseted BillboardGui to achieve this.

You just need to set the BillboardGui adornee property to the player’s head, offset it on the Y axis, put in an ImageLabel and show it when needed.

Showing it can be done from the Visible property or setting the ImageTransparency property.

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ok thx ill try that out thx for telling me that idea