I need help with string detection

Hi, i’m trying to make a script GUI, and the thing i need help at the moment is to detect the text, for example:
If the player writes:
local hamburger = workspace.Hamburger
If the player writes that i want to detect the text and make the “local” text red and the “workspace” blue.
My friend tried making this with a TextBox and RichText but it didn’t work, here’s the code:

local function detect()
    for _ in string.gmatch(script.Parent.Text, "local") do
        script.Parent.Text = "<font color=rgb(255,0,0)>local</font>"

If anyone needs mroe information about the topic or hints / tips on how i can do this, any help would be appreciatted. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
Also it doesn’t need to use richtext i just need it to change the color of the specific string.

Most people say there isn’t a way and I’m not sure if there is or isn’t but here.
I’ve briefly looked into it and this is the most relevant page I’ve found:

There is a specific users post that I haven’t tested yet but its worth a shot.

I’ve found the API for this so I do believe this would be your solution:

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I’m pretty sure you can find string.find useful here.


Your friend is on the right track but he needs to use this code instead. The code above just loop sets the text to “< font color=rgb(255,0,0)>local” and doesn’t replace the text. I would recommend having a second value to store the unedited string then use the text field to store the edited version. Here is the code you would need:

local function detect()
    script.Parent.Text = string.gsub(script.Parent.Text, "local", "<font color=rgb(255,0,0)>local</font>")

Note: I am unsure if gsub is supported in luau but I believe it is.

gsub is supported in luau because luau is an extension of 5.1 and gsub has existed before even 5.1