I need help with trying to make a door frame

Hi, I am currently working on a Kingdom role play game, but my door frame is currently experiencing some issues right now. I am using the same door frame i have been using for all the other doors, but I don’t know why this room is not working!

Here are some screen shots.
This is the one that shows what the issue looks like.

This is the one that shows the parts I’m going to be unioning.

This one shows another door that uses the exact same model but has no issue.

Any help is appreciated!

Try to scale the negative parts beyond the part you’d like to union so they overlap.

Could you maybe show a picture of what you mean as I didn’t really understand.

I did make the parts go like past the part I"m unioning as that solved previous issues but this one I scaled it more but it isn’t working!

Try scaling the bottom negative block so it’s even with the cylinder above it.

So I’d scale it so it won’t go outside of it?

It doesn’t really matter how far you scale it. As long as it’s past the gray part, you’re good.

Thank you for helping me! Your solution worked!

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