I need honest feedback on my game please as it currently is. [Please]


Players have said it is a great concept but it was poorly executed. It has little to no replayability.

I need insight from a player as if they were joining.


Upon joining the game, I was greeted with a tutorial that explained the concepts of the game. And while I enjoyed the explanation, I do feel that there is a bit too much explanations, especially near the end where it is explaining the meters and what each one does.

For the lobby, it felt very blank and uninspiring as if there was no personality to the game. I’m also gonna go on a lim here and assume that this game has a ton of bugs considering how my character was still flying in the air after going into the garage platform. Also after selecting the tutorial button once, for some reason the game teleported me again to another place.

I just feel that the lobby can be so much more enhanced to provide a great experience to the consumer. (Particles, audio, ect…) I can’t speak much for the game itself because there’s no player in the game to play with, but if the lobby isn’t great, so I’m not sure how the round is going to be any better.

Aside from my critiques, I think this is a very good start and you just need to sharp those edges a lot. So don’t take my advice so hard and give yourself a pat on the back for asking feedback :slight_smile:

Good luck!

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Seems like an interesting game, although there isn’t much replayability it has potential for a lot of progression with upgrading your cars.

You seem to have a good game concept down, sadly I wasn’t able to try out the driving itself due to the lack of players at the time, although this is what you want to focus on, no matter how good your vehicle system is, it can always be better. Focus on making the driving experience as smooth and fun as possible.

Once you’ve really polished out the game, you will come across another hurdle, that is, your game requires multiple players. The chance of someone randomly joining your game, and then inviting their friends, or someone else joining at the same time, is very low. I recommend you get a few friends, and start playing the game, even with just 5-8 players, the game will appear in Popular if you scroll far enough, and people will find it, additionally you can run some ads, although this will have a negative effect on your like-dislike ratio.

My tip for you is:
Smoothen out the game further, get rid of bugs and things that are wierd. Change stuff like the lobby which feels empty, you can either add more models to it, or you could simply make it smaller, it doesn’t need to be that big.
Once you’ve perfected your game, get some friends on and start playing, you want to try and secure a steady playerbase, so anyone can join at any time, and have someone to play with.


So I tested it out and it looks really good, except for one problem. When I teleport to the training server with the !tp training command and then leave the game and go back into the original game, it loops and sends me back to the training server within 5-10 seconds. It seems to keep looping for my player across all servers, and I cannot seem to break the loop.

If your level is below lvl 3 or 3 then you will get teleported to training maps.

I am working on smoothing out the car controls so they feel faster and I’m adding suspension to the cars as well as brakes to try to simulate drifting.