I need i help with 'Dev Console > Scripts'

Hi! I recently found out about this feature in the Developer Console > Scripts, I saw several scripts and some of them were above 1.000 speed and some at 0. That’s just what I didn’t understand what it was for? This scale shows the performance of the script/game and every time it increases, the performance drops? and some more of the scenarios in which more than 1,000 speeds contain such functions: for cycles, while cycles, repeated cycles, delay.

They basically tell you about how fast the script is running, for example, a 2 line script will run way faster than a 200 line one.

And the 0 rate basically means the script isn’t running.

You can see on image ‘Core’ script in this it have more 500.000 rate. It contain module scripts, in one module script have for loops with delay and when I start module function script rate is increased. But why is it increasing?

CoreScripts are likely creating/removing new threads at different rates.