I need ideas for the type of map I should use

I’m currently debating with myself if i should have an open-world map which is somewhat explorable (something like jailbreak’s) or just a small city as a map.

I’m going for a low-poly style so i don’t know how i could make a massive open-world map efficiently and also keeping a consistent art-style.

There’s a lot of factors that puts me on the fence, these factors are:

  • Performance, I want the game to be playable even on the lowest-end devices
  • Consistent Appearance, I want the map to be aesthetic and consistent in it’s appearance
  • Time taken to build the map, I don’t want to spend longer than 2 months working on the map as I want to focus on the other aspects of the game too seeing as im the only one working on this.
  • Travel networks layout, I would preffer if the roads, railways etc were all grid like just like in this picture: This is maily due to the fact I get to use my own low-poly roads but this also limits me to flat terrain only.

If anybody has done something like this before and has any ideas then I would be more than happy to hear them


Well I’m not that good at designing maps, but you can search up on Google some reference images like those ones:

Maybe in the biggest area of the city you can do the city hall and police station, firefight station…
Also keep your ideas, buildings original, don’t make a lot of assets equal to other games.

Good luck!


Open world map.

It gets really annoying and almost disappointing when I play a game and I try and exit the city and I can’t, because there’s nothing else there. Yes, it’s more effort, but as long as you use mesh models for the terrain, you should be good.

Roblox is making performance better for their terrain system. So you could use terrain as well.

Those are some great reference images, i’ll definitely see what i can do with those two. Thank you for the ideas

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I was thinking the same, an open world map would definetely be nicer, im currently using mesh landscape the only thing i don’t really like about it is the fact that i dont have as much flexibility and variety, i want the roads to have a bit of natural curve following the terrain etc. I’m just lost on how i would do that.

I considered roblox terrain too but personally it just didn’t go too well with what i was trying to achieve, unfortunately there’s no way to make terrain texture-less so for that reason i’ll have to pass.

Roblox in 2021 will be adding textures to terrain.
Roblox Platform High-Level Roadmap.

So basically PBR + terrain.

I think there might be a plugin that does so. But its unlikely it exists. I would take your map and put it in blender. Then, add roads to it. Not much you can do though.

I was thinking of solely modelling the roads + terrain in blender aswell, the only downside to this would be the collision geometry, on second thought actually i could split the map into segments… This is the epiphany i needed.

A bit off topic but i also noticed this:

This would be really cool too.

Anyways back on track, would PBR + terrain mean i can pretty much make texture-less grass? and do you have any ideas when in 2021 this feature will be live? I want to release this game as a beta maybe within the first quarter of 2021 so that’s why im asking

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It’s probably gonna be released before half of the year mark.