The showcase: Pine Wood State Forrest Showcase - Roblox
If you have any suggestions or feedback I would be happy to hear them!
Could get a lot of improvements, but it’s pretty good
Looks very decent to good! Well the only odd thing is what’s under the water.
Hello Developer,
Thanks for reaching out to Roblox Developer Forums to receive feedback on your work.
I’d like to point out a few improvements you could make which are the following:
- Make sure everything is on the ground, and models aren’t floating
- Try to make the little pond look more like a pond under the water
Overall, great little showcase!
WOAH! The game looks amazing! I love the lighting and how detailed the models around are!
The only thing you really need to fix is the water, you should make the water more reflective and transparent! Even though that makes the bottom of the water visible which shows how incomplete it was, it still adds good detail, plus you should also add a surface underwater so it doesn’t look odd. Even adding some lily pads maybe based on how still the water is!
I would love to see some leaves falling off these trees, particle effects maybe, y’know?
This is just beautiful! Glorious job!