So I’m making a start menu team selection kind of thing, and I’m re-doing the UI, but I need some ideas or tips on how to make it. Here is the current UI:
So I’m making a start menu team selection kind of thing, and I’m re-doing the UI, but I need some ideas or tips on how to make it. Here is the current UI:
I dont know much about SCP, but perhaps more of a black, clean and minimalist design?
Something like this:
Changing the font might be better, in my opinion, huge amount of these font’s text will be unreadable.
True, though it was a quick mockup.
I’m not sure whether any of the descriptions are very text heavy, so it depends on how much substance there is in the description.
I’d start with lowering the camera and moving slightly to the left so the NPC would be closer to the middle.
As for the UI itself, I think that something like what @RipperGFX showed above would fit the theme. Good luck with the game!
Thanks for your reply!
I decided to make a surface GUI team selection and took your advice to lower the camera, it works out great. Here’s a picture of the new UI:
Thanks again!
Nice GUI. I’m making an SCP one as well, but as you can see, we have a very different style!!
Designed with the discord UI in mind.
Class D and E will be auto assigned.
Looks amazing and you’re welcome. Once more, good luck on your game!