So as some of you wonderful developers know, games named Fruit Juice Tycoon, Gumball Factory Tycoon, Guillotine Tycoon, Egg Packing Tycoon and other similar tycoons have taken over the roblox tycoons industry. You may ask why - It’s simple. A lot of roblox players like client physics because it’s very smooth and aesthetically pleasing. As well, the grinding that is represented in Fruit Juice Tycoon - not fast, not slow, but with multipliers and endless numbers.
I’m trying to re-create something similar. From my observations in these games you produce something round (doesn’t have to be exactly a ball), but something that can roll down by gravity. And then you extract something out of it, like Fruit Juice.
I would like to ask you wonderful developers to suggest me something that is round and is extractable/transformable. I appreciate the help a lot!