Hi guys,
Basically I am already using Raycasting in my game to figure out a Vector3
that I then use to latch the player to a wall, basically allowing them to walk on walls.
The Rays are cast, if it touchs an object then it returns a Vector3
, and the player is then moved to that position.
This is the script I use for that:
function latch() -- A new latch function should be made and raycast should happen in multiple directions
-- and used for flying
local origin = HRP.Position
local direction = HRP.CFrame.LookVector * REACH -- Side note this could be used and constantly played during the dash?
local result = Workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, rayParams)
if not result then return end
latchingToWall = result.Normal
latchingToWall = nil
However, I need to remake this script as I need another function that covers more area in the raycast.
I basically want this entire area covered
This RayCast will basically only happen after a Touched
happens, so it will only have to fire for less than a second.
I need help with figuring out the direction of the Raycast.
I am unsure of how to cover than big of an area.
I believe that I will need to create a pattern for the raycast to follow, and I think that is what I need help with.