I need to wait for Players.LocalPlayer to replicate?

Hi. While checking scripts I found this code inside a modulescript in a tool.

local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
while not localPlayer do
	localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer

It suggests that it’s possible that Players.LocalPlayer could be nil. This is possible?

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No. Especially in a ModuleScript where the code does not run until it’s required, this code is redundant.


This was either made before roblox changed the loading order or is just poorly scripted, but when directly accessing the LocalPlayer, of-course from a local script, you do not need to do that: (When to wait for replication to the client - this announcement clarifies that the LocalPlayer will never be nil, " 'game.Players.LocalPlayer’ will always be non-nil")

A fairly complete answer. Thank you both for helping me.

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