What do you want to achieve? Fix the uncoherent problem related to the console’s message.
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What is the issue?
The console is saying that a Frame value is missing but when I go to check its value on both the client and server side it does exist so I don’t really know what may be causing that error.
I must add that this only happens after I morph (change the player’s avatar to another one) a player’s character.
What solutions have you tried so far? Replicating the GUIs from the ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage once I’ve morphed the player, sadly it neither works.
Main morphing script:
local oldcharacter = character:Clone()
oldcharacter = Morphs_folder.Players
local New_morph = Morphs_folder.Werewolf.Werewolf_Werewolf:Clone()
New_morph.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
New_morph.PrimaryPart.CFrame = character.PrimaryPart.CFrame
New_morph.Name = v.Name
v.Character = New_morph
New_morph.Parent = game.Workspace
Morph model:
I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a hand with this since I’ve been struggling with it for quite a long time and haven’t yet found the answer to it. Have a nice one!