[I need your help] Frame value missing when it's not really missing

  1. What do you want to achieve? Fix the uncoherent problem related to the console’s message.

  2. What is the issue?
    The console is saying that a Frame value is missing but when I go to check its value on both the client and server side it does exist so I don’t really know what may be causing that error.
    I must add that this only happens after I morph (change the player’s avatar to another one) a player’s character.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Replicating the GUIs from the ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage once I’ve morphed the player, sadly it neither works.

Main morphing script:

local oldcharacter = character:Clone()
oldcharacter = Morphs_folder.Players
local New_morph = Morphs_folder.Werewolf.Werewolf_Werewolf:Clone()
New_morph.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
New_morph.PrimaryPart.CFrame = character.PrimaryPart.CFrame
New_morph.Name = v.Name
v.Character = New_morph
New_morph.Parent = game.Workspace

Morph model:

I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a hand with this since I’ve been struggling with it for quite a long time and haven’t yet found the answer to it. Have a nice one! :wave:

You use CoundownGUI as the name in your script in the first image, but the item name is actually Countdown.

That’s what we name a variable in scripting, so it cannot be that. But thanks for trying your efforts on it!

It does work if I don’t morph the player, but the problem for any reason has to do with the morphing system. Or at least that’s what I think.

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Is the GUI set to resetonspawn? As I’m thinking as the old character is destroyed / leaves the GUI is being reloaded.

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