I need your help! I lost my roblox account!

So, a long time ago back in 09/21/2022 i have reset my account password and removed my email for the account “SSBen12” my first ever roblox account created back in 2010! Recently i tried to contact roblox support through their support form ( Roblox Support ) a bunch of times, but all response i got was some bot and all it say is that “they cant verify the ownership of the account at that time” and THEY DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE ACCOUNT (previous passwords, billing info, previous ID linked to the account, games i played in 2022 or anything!) even tho i can provide ALL those. The account does not have an email or phone number linked to it, i know that because i removed it by my self that day. IF IT IS POSSIBLE, i need you to LIKE THIS POST so i can reach a REAL roblox staff that can reach me in private, any help is appreciated.

Here are some screenshots:




Man, that sucks. Especially because I can totally see this happening to me! Good luck!


I have a solution that SOMETIMES work, but not always.

If you still remember your account’s personal information and other information which the account owner only knows, then there’s a chance you get it back.

If you don’t, you’re screwed.

Go to Roblox Support, fill out the form (and enter any email you have access to. just enter any email to which they can send you a reply)

Categorize your form under Account Hacked Or Can’t Log In > Forgot Password

In description of Issue, tell them that you got locked out of your account and that you’ll do your best to prove your ownership of the account. Then, send them personal information which the account owner only knows: Account Language, Account Date Of Birth, Account Gender, Account Location, Account Theme, your billing information, links to accessories that you bought on your account, etc.

Then wait for them to reply. They might secure your Roblox account with the one you’re using to contact them, but it’s not guaranteed at all. You just gotta pray that they accept what you send as a proof that you own the account.

Wish you the best!


I’ll try to do it now and update you guys! Thanks


It didnt work :confused: i sent all the information for the account, its settings, roblox studio settings but all they say is that they cant verifiy me as the owner.


The reason it doesn’t work is because the emails are sent by bots, not real employees.

You’ll have to dial them on (888)-858-2569 and explain the whole story and send them proof that you own the account. A real Roblox employee will listen to your recorded message and make a decision.

I heard from others that this is pretty much better than contacting them via email, and usually works.

You’ll have to be over 18 to dial them. If you’re not over 18, they’ll just tell you to contact them via email, which apparently doesn’t work.

If you’re under 18, you can ask someone who ‘sounds’ older than you to appeal and make a recorded message beyond you. An old friend, an old family member or someone who sounds old.

If you don’t live in the USA, then dial 0018888582569.


Any updates? Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Put what the old email and password was in the support message you send them and put where the account was created (country or state if in US)

and any other info and hope

This happened to me to my 2018 Roblox account, how I fixed it was by asking Roblox to add my email to the account and I eventually proved the account was mine, though you might just have to be lucky and hope that the administrator will help you.

Once you contact Roblox support there should be a email asking you to add more proof you should add the images there or you may just get a bot reply again.

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I didnt get my account back, i guess ill just give up by now. :confused:

Ive been trying to contact them for days, and didnt got any result. I guess ill let it pass by now and try again later after some time.

Man, that sucks. One thing is, if you wait a while and try again, I think they reset the priority of your request, so you can always do that