I parent a part to the players character, its not there?

As said in the title I have made a script that puts two parts in a players character, only problem is, its not there.

I make it print its parent and yes it is the players character but its not actually there! Why?

My code:

local module = {}

module['SetupHands'] = function(player:Player)
	local LHand = Instance.new("Part")
	LHand.Name = 'LHand'
	LHand.Size = Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)
	LHand.CanCollide = false
	local RHand = Instance.new("Part")
	RHand.Name = 'RHand'
	RHand.Size = Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)
	RHand.CanCollide = false
	LHand.Parent = player.Character
	RHand.Parent = player.Character

return module

As in it isn’t appearing on the character? You’ll have to set the position of hte parts and weld it to the player for it to appear

Ok I’ve looked and I now see that the parts do indeed appear in the players character but then they vanish

Ok for some reason the parts parents are being set to NIL, no matter what I do it keeps getting set back to that and I dont know why

I’ve decided to just scrap what I was doing

They are likely falling through the earth and then being destroyed. That’s why I set to weld them

Nope they arent being destroyed, there parent is being set to NIL, I can set it back but it keeps getting set to nil so not much I can do

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