I pay 1,000, Ney, 2,000 Robux to solve this CFrame issue!

I have this issue, my gun is using a EquipWeld to weld the gun to the hand when spawned.
For reasons not discussed, this weld is removed and Roblox creates a RightGrip weld instead.

The C1 of the RightGrip is the Grip of the tool.
I need you to create this Grip so that the gun is at the same location it was when it used the EquipWeld.

The job:

  1. Take file
  2. By ONLY changing workspace.Wrong.RightGrip.C1, make the Wrong tool point in same direction as workspace.Correct does.

The payment:

  • 1,000 Robux to the first who submit solution

The workspace file can be found here:
Testing.rbxl (16.4 KB)

Time is off the essence, all help is appreciated!

RightGrip.C1 = EquipWeld.C0:inverse() * EquipWeld.C1

I don’t need the ROBUX

I’m afraid that was incorrect :confused:


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If needed, here is how the RightGrip is made. Code was used in Roblox Battle Remastered.

local GP,GF,GR,GU = Tool.GripPos,Tool.GripForward,Tool.GripRight,Tool.GripUp
local Weld = Instance.new("Weld")
Weld.Name = "LocalRightGrip"
Weld.Part0 = RightArm
Weld.Part1 = Handle
Weld.C0 = CFrame.new(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, -0)
Weld.C1 = CFrame.new(GP.X,GP.Y,GP.Z, GR.X,GU.X,-GF.X,GR.Y,GU.Y,-GF.Y,GR.Z,GU.Z,-GF.Z)
	Weld.Parent = RightArm

Since CFrames are not my strong point, I can’t really help further.

I saw that too, C1 is the Grip of the gun. Thats why I need to edit only C1 to make the arrow similar to the green one.

Through trial and error I’v managed to create a close enough replica of the grip.
Thanks for you time guys! :slight_smile:

You know you don’t need to pay people to ask for help on here, right?..


That would be right but he switched the Part0 and Part1 around, so it would actually be:

RightGrip.C1 = EquipWeld.C0 * EquipWeld.C1:inverse()
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