I pushed a side project to MVP!

If ya’ll been keeping up with me on the What are you working on post you’ve probably seen a few gifs of this

well I was able to push it from Side project into minimum viable product!
It’s a game about flying sci-fi ships and shooting things with lasers.

Current features:

  • Modules
  • 6 hours of grind to unlock all content
  • a starter pack (guy’s gotta eat)
  • AI Pirates!
  • works on mobile!

Planned features:

  • Missions
  • Tutorial(maybe I should have added that before trying to monetize it)
  • More ships!
  • Player level (to help lengthen playtime)

So, what do ya’ll think of it so far?


tHerE’s nO sOuNd iN sPaCe

Very nice though. I think the controls would be smoother if our ship could follow our mouse, like Starfighter Assault in Star Wars Battlefront II?

I assume there’s reasoning behind the controls, but they feel clunky to me

I like the design, it reminds me of Star Wars: Empire at War, my childhood favourite

P.S. why is everything on a flat plane?


3D controls are less mobile friendly, and I also liked Empires at War.

honestly, the controls are what happens when you let 1 algorithm decide mobility, so the first ship is like… way more hyper than any of the others. (which can help because if you’re fast enough you can dodge pirate shots)


Yeah, once I unlocked the second ship it wasn’t too bad. First shap was way too sensitive

Mass too low?

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Looks epic! I will definitely be playing again.

I would add maybe some quests and such.
When you are purchasing a ship, the buy button does not change color or transparency regardless of if you can afford it. When I had enough to buy the second ship, I was like

omg how do I buy dis

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Alright, i’ve fixed that, it’ll be live next update.
also, something tells me i’m in for a bad time…