Hello there! I have made a game, but I need it to grow. I have only 2 robux, and I think that isn’t much to advertise/sponsor. I’ve made a quick poll to ask.
I would never recommend using only one method to grow a game, but use a variety for the best results. You should show your friends, post it on social media, share it here, etc. There are plenty of existing threads you can find here that share useful tips for growing games without ads/sponsors. Try using the search function to read them.
Besides, why do only one method when using all the available methods would be beneficial to you?
Sometimes your game is not that great of a concept. The game’s thumbnail is not that catchy and the game is empty (meaning just a waiting simulator, you do have quest tho but they are lackluster) and either filled with hackers or your best friends using “:rocket all” every 5 seconds. For one I would remove the admin commands for your friends if that is the case. Second I would try to get into GFX and make a cool thumbnail. If that is not possible you could ask around for free work but I have no doubt that you could make something cool. Third I would add more to the game so that it is not just a “waiting simulator”. If you want to advertise your game after you have made some of those changes or you just completely ignore what I said, you should then make a forum post talking about your game.
You could either start by getting Photoshop if you are able to get it or you can get Paint: Paint.net Then once you have a software watch a video on it. I recommend this one: GFX Video you can ignore the shading work he does in the video if you want to!
It never hurts to ask the devforum for gameplay design advice. Lord knows i’ve done it more than a few times. so long as you do it sparingly, and in well structured forms.
just looking back at a few examples from myself.
I posted about a little project I did, looking for feedback.
I posted the current features, expected roadmap, and asked for feature/gameplay feedback.
make sure your post is well written, spell checked, and is open to discussion, and you should be fine to post it here.
probably best to post under game design support, as you are looking for feedback and design criticism.
keep in mind you’re not posting here to get players, you’re posting here to improve your games to the best of your ability. i suppose i should have lead with that, sorry
If you’re looking for growth, you need Robux to advertise, sorry. Unless you are a known developer, posting your game on the DevForum won’t lead to consistent plays. Hopefully, you get a return on your investment when your game gets big!
Well, just got notified about this topic again. I discontinued development on this game, it was pretty unoriginal and boring. Check my activity to see some of my newer stuff! I’ve also found an answer for this, thanks for everyone who helped!
Without robux I’d say use word of mouth, show it off to people on Devforum and tell epople whenveer you want to bring it up. And then hope for it to spread.