I ran out of tower ideas

Hey guys!I am making a tower game, but a ran out of ideas for stages, plz suggest what should i do


Look at other tower games and take inspiration from there.

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You could try building:

  1. A wraparound stage
  2. A stage with long truss parts where the player jumps from one set of truss to the other.
  3. A stage with lasers which are to be avoided by the player.
  4. A stage which has a particular pattern of the floor which is safe and the rest is killbricks.

If there is confusion in any of these ideas, let me know and i’ll add screenshots.
I hope this helped. Good Luck

Ummmm… Do you already have something like balls that you have to walk on, that spin and have lasers on them?


You can look at DCO games and maybe get inspiration from their stages. Just make sure NOT to copy their stages exactly. :slight_smile:

Hello Developer!

It’s great that you reach out to Developer Forums for your builds/games.

I would only recommend you to check out some well-known tower games like JTOH [Jupiters Tower of Hell], Tower of Hell [The pro version as well], and some other towers that you can find, and get your inspiration from there.

Inspiration comes from other developers, and that’s where we all start off as a developer.

We see something and think “Oh this is cool! I wanna build something like that as well!”, and there your journey as a developer starts. Of course you shouldn’t copy the towers from others, but what you could do for example is make up new towers, from already existing ones by mixing them together for example!

Best of luck to you and your project.



play the tower of hell, look at some stages, and then see if you can take inspiration from them.

i mean if i was you i would do that anyways.

maybe try add in truss parts, wall jumps, lava and stuff like that.

hope i helped.