I reactivated a VIP server of mine and weird voodoo is happening

On Lumber Tycoon 2, I have two VIP servers, apparently:

The weird voodoo:

  1. I had canceled the first VIP server (the one that is titled “mine”), but it stayed in the list. I re-activated it, and that’s when the new one “VIP server” appeared.
  2. The configuration dots only appear on the top server, but affecting the settings only alters the bottom server.
  3. The server on top is visible only to me. My friends could not see the top server, even though I can and am able to join it. I do not know if my friends can follow me into the server, I have not tested it.

I am a little concerned at this unusual behavior, because it’s confusing, I don’t want to be charged twice for VIP servers, and I don’t want others to be charged twice for their VIP servers either.

I had this problem before! Idk what exactly caused it, I know it involved reactivating a server. When it happened I assumed I just accidentally bought another server or something.
Weird voodoo happened to me to, but it involved me not being able to join either private server.