I REALLY need help with finding a builder! PLEASE HELP!

Hello! I am Ant. I am currently working on the code for the game “Zero Hour.”

I am happily working on the code and internal systems for this game, but I realized I don’t have a builder. I am trying to make a game sort of like ROBLOX Jailbreak, since no offense…, jailbreak is sort of dying out.

Can someone please refer me to a builder that may be interested in working on a game like this, or if YOU yourself may be interested. I am really passionate about this project, but I need a builder. Please let me know. I would be splitting the earnings 50%/50%. Please respond to me on DevFourm to let me know! Can’t wait to work with you!
Also, @Roblox please do not take this down. I am trying to find a builder. Please let me know what category to put this in.

you should look in here
Creators - Talent Hub (roblox.com)

I did. No responses. I made 2 posts.

People don’t take percentage as a payment, you would be so lucky to find one lol thats the issue you have

join the hidden devs discord server. tons of talent there. edit: i agree with @shminky, aint nobody want percentage :sob:

you could also join Ro Devs i think. Anyone know of anywhere else?

(also #collaboration is open again I think, u just need to post in #collaboration:recruitment )