I redid my Legends of Robloxia UI Design

I used advice from that to create this

Again is there any advice I could use in the future? Reviews are appreciated.


Looks really cool, love the classic game getting a new look :+1:

To be honest, I know there’s a few free model Welcome to Robloxia maps out there, and I’d recommend you take one of those and render it in Blender or Cinema 4D. Or, maybe even giving the map like a more realistic remake with real grass and trees–ultimately what this does is it makes it looks more ‘pretty’.

But if you were to only just do that, you couldn’t get away with it, and what I’d recommend you also do is make the buttons more cartoony, if you’re familiar with Adopt Me–though I don’t like referencing Roblox game’s UI without referencing games from off-platform because I do believe those are much better examples:




It looks amazing! Maybe you could try to use a more vibrant scene or make the GUI on the picture. I would also change the update log a bit. Other than that, it looks awesome!

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