I Remade my Roblox Character in a simpler style and it came out so cool


Loving the low poly look of it. What application did you use?


Wow! this looks so amazing! How did you make this?

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Lovely work, I also love the black stroke you had used around the model, it really fits the cartoony theme.


Reminds me of a hat in time, nice job :slight_smile:

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This is pretty cool! What did you use?

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Nice keep it up! :smiley:
Note: Blender and photoshop

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Just blender and for the rendering I used Eevee

Yeah, same. Very low-poly! (30 charrrrssssssssssss)

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Amazing! I want to see bloxikins being replaced by this :grin:

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Looks great, I have no idea how you did it but you did. ( I know you used blender I am just bad at using blender. )