I shouldn't have to be friends with someone to invite them to Team Create

I just joined @SolidBlocks in Studio to help him debug a script, and he had to add me as a friend purely for the sake of being able to invite me to TC. Friend status and TC have nothing to do with each other – one should not affect the other. Use cases:

  • Help someone you’re not friends with (met through devforums/roblox forums/group/etc) debug their game
  • Invite a friend of a friend to help out with a game
  • Invite a trustworthy contractor who you’re not necessarily friends with (acquaintances perhaps?) to help out with your game

All of these apply to non-group games because users can’t be invited to group games period.


I have randos try inviting me to Team Create servers all the time. Are you sure one of you just doesn’t have your privacy settings set to deny VIP server requests from non-friends? I think that’s what decides it.

Now? Non-group places? What process do you use to add them?

Nope – set to Everyone:

And when I tried adding an alt in TC, I got this in the output:
18:16:55.445 - Error: HTTP 400 (HTTP/1.1 400 UserNotFriends)

Do you still get random invite requests? Maybe ROBLOX disabled it recently.

Yeah if there’s a specific error code for it, I don’t think it’s a bug. I agree that friends and team create shouldn’t have anything to do with eachother.