I suck at using DataStores, what's wrong here?

So I"m making a system where in each subplace of an experience there’s a note that the player must interact with. Once all five notes across each of the five subplaces have been found, a door is opened in the starting place, which does not have its own note. Updating the value of the datastore table value between each place works fine, but I notice that for whatever reason only the most recently saved table value is recorded. Here’s my code:

local notegui = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("NoteGUI")
local datastoreserv = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local data = datastoreserv:GetDataStore("crossdata")

	if notegui.Parent == game.ServerStorage then
		notegui.Parent = player.PlayerGui
		local trueorfalse = data:GetAsync(player.UserId)
		if trueorfalse.grave == 0 or trueorfalse.grave == nil then
			data:SetAsync(player.UserId, {
				grave = 1;



This section of code is in a script within the proximityprompt within the physical note part. There’s one per subplace. The only thing different between them is the name of the table value.
Now here’s the script in the starting place, where all five of these values are checked:

local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local data = datastore:GetDataStore("crossdata")

	local datataken = data:GetAsync(player.UserId)

	local listofnotevals = data:GetAsync(player.UserId)
	if data:GetAsync(player.UserId).grave == 1 and data:GetAsync(player.UserId).arch == 1 and data:GetAsync(player.UserId).castle == 1 and data:GetAsync(player.UserId).sea == 1 and data:GetAsync(player.UserId).beach == 1 then
		workspace.note.note_texture.Enabled = true
		workspace.note.note_prompt.Enabled = true
		workspace.note.note_texture.Enabled = false
		workspace.note.note_prompt.Enabled = false

After I interacted with all of the notes in their places - which should set the values of all of these to 1, (i decided to use integers instead of booleans if you hadn’t already noticed) and joined the starting place, every single one of these values - except the most recently updated one - printed as nil. Am I using SetAsync wrong? Please help me out.

God, this tutorial is breaking my brain…
How might I implement BindToClosing into my note’s script? Would loading the information look the same?

Alright, don’t quote me on this, but I believe that DataStores store most values as a string and not as the stored value. I know for sure it can cause some strange behavior. I notice you’re trying to get properties from the value from DataStore, and again, please take all this with a grain of salt as I’m not certain about most of this, the method you are trying to do (getting properties from the stored data) won’t work.

Regardless of the above…
An easier method, I find, is to use the Player.UserId as the DataStore name and not the key. This can be a little less organized, and there might be ways around it, but I wouldn’t know those ways, and if nothing else, it at least works.
Then, with (e.g.) DataStoreService:GetDataStore(plr.UserId), you can use a key for each thing you want to store (PlayerStore:GetAsync([thingy1, thing2, grave, sea...]))

I’m by no means at all a DataStore expert but I find this to work well. I’ll reiterate that this might be a poor way of doing this, I am not that knowledgeable on datastores, but it does work.
Also, BindToClose shouldn’t be necessary since you aren’t SetAsync()ing on player removal, but instead whenever they obtain it.