Hello, I’ve found where all the backdoor is located, I’m going to do a cleanup now thanks for this
I’ve also deleted the whole backdoor thingy
Delete them when you are not in test mode btw or it’ll just keep on happening
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You welcome, if you have anything else just ask xd
I suggest you get an antivirus, this should stop it in the future (it has for me) such as Gameguard or Rodefender
Hello thanks for the recommendation, is that a plugin or do I need to install that on my PC?
The reason I never use those is because they could be inaccurate,…
It’s a plugin. I’ll try to find the post for it and link it up asap
But sometimes they have false positives etc, but its mainly reliable, I should probably start using one
Personally I use Gameguard, which has stopped new viruses entering my game as well as letting me view the scripts with required and things like that
Here is the link: GameGuard Anti Virus V2 [ALPHA]
I’ll try to find RoDefender now (sorry can’t find a post/link on my phone)
Just an update, I’ve deleted everything and found out that it came from a free model which I’ve used. (Bedroom thingy) but when I play the game there’s nothing popping up anymore. Again thanks!
Never knew legit ones existed, I thought they were all just scammy ones to inject scripts in your studio. I would use these but I feel safer without one, and I’m confident that I won’t add any dodgy free models, and always download plugins from trusted authors after a scan over the source code.
Ah yes, I don’t recommend adding free models much, but they can be fine to use as long as you delete the scripts they come with because 90% of the time they’re malicious. Good luck with your project
Yeah I know what you mean. I use this because I personally kept getting viruses injected into my game, I got the anti virus and didn’t find any more
Ah I see, I suggest always and instantaneously delete every script from ANY free model regardless of validity, unless they are a verified and/or well known then there can be some exceptions
The malicious marketplace is just growing day by day, roblox also adding new script features have an impact too, I kind of want a marketplace ‘wipe’ wave
I like the idea of ‘wipe waves’ this would greatly help the community of newer developers and the ‘creator marketplace’ in the future