I think my game how hacked somehow and how do I prevent it?

I checked on one of my games and, my whole game turned into a desert and it was playing Middle Eastern music too. The game background is still the same so it looks like someone somehow added a different map and music in my game. I didn’t take a screenshot because I shut down my game instantly and everything was fixed, but I wonder how I could prevent this from happening or can I not?

Also, my game has HD admin, but the highest level everyone could reach is mod with HD admin and I disable things like btools. Also, none of my accounts got hacked and the game in the studio looks the same.


Did you use any Freemodels from the toolbox?

They may have contained malicious scripts.

Please check the scripts in sketchy toolbox models before inserting them!

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yea, I checked all the free model in the game and there is no random scripts. my game has been up for awhile and this is the first time it has happened. Also this game is a copy of many other game using the same model too and it never been hacked before

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Are you absolutely sure?

Are there any scripts in your game at all?

And are you sure that the HD admin module you used isn’t secretly illegitimate and a backdoor in disguise

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is there require script on your any script

If you have any plugins, it’s unfortunately frequent that the plugins will inject bad code into your scripts and try to hide it. So go through all your scripts and check that they haven’t been modified. Check the horizontal scroll bar because they often put it rather far out so you won’t see it.

And of course free model scripts can have bad code in them, and if you got the hd admin from a bad source same thing could happen.

I got HD admin from the main source and my game it’s a simple obby game and I checked all the script and it look fine. The plugin, I am unsure about this, but all of my plugin, are really popular one like moon editor.

It might be possible you joined the wrong game, or it was a bug on Roblox’s end that caused you to do so.

I remember an interesting occurrence in 2020 when I joined a Roblox game as a guest. Yeah, things can get weird sometimes.

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I kinda join the game twice just to make sure, but I was sure it was my game because the background of the game is the same as my game. Tbh I wish I had taken a screenshot, to me it look like someone who hack like the youtube citizen or something, but I do not know how his hack client work.

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I’m fairly sure his hack client isn’t even a hack client, its just a backdoor.

Bypassing FE is impossible because of how Roblox servers use the packets sent between the client and the server.

Anything that isn’t supposed to get through FE is declined and cant be replicated.

However I thought I heard something about bypassing FE somewhere, most likely illegitimate.

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