Nothing much else to do but accept your lost, I recommend doing test ads rather than going all out, you can learn which option is the best and that gives the most impressions. (Exp: 400R$ in 4 days or 400 in 2 hours)
Your ad could have failed because it was done in a short period of time and with competition. not much people would be playing in 2 hours compared to a 4 full days. And because you only saw your ad appeared 1 time is because other ads probably have higher bids. Also, doing ads in weekends sometimes greatly increases ads.
At the end of the day, it varies how much people are playing roblox, competition. and audience. No two ads have the same circumstances.
If you could provide more details, like if you were aiming to the same audience, it could help for others to highlight any mistakes.
It’s Good that you at least did your research, but yeah, sometimes I find details that test ads dont show such as it would have been to split my ad into two than to have a one big ad that gets less impressions, or I also find that the higher the ad bid is, the less impressions I get per R$.
But why did you not try 50K R$ in 4 days? Was there more success in 2 hour test ads? I believe the problem is that you put so much R$ in a little time span. If it was longer MAYBE it could have been successful as the last one. Although I am a bit skeptical of Roblox bid system, but we have to work with what we got.
I too gotten more impressions with a lower budget compared to my other ads. and sometimes I feel if there’s a ceiling top that ROBLOX puts on me that prevents me getting more impressions. But there are hundreds of ads playing at the same time and Roblox wants even the little ads to get a good number of impressions. So in my opinion, it’s probably unbalanced. But again, what can we do about? Learn and accept and try a different approach to maximize profit because Roblox wont give refunds.
So in summary,
If a 5k ad get the same impressions as a 50K ad, why not just do 5K ads? There isnt much we can do for you here but give advice to a player that’s been here since 2008.
It’s hard to gauge the efficiency of your ads without specifying when you ran both ads. Did you run it in the summer? During Covid times? Weekend? Weekday? Holiday? During an event? How long did you run it for?
You did not provide any of this, and thus I can only assume the ads were ran during different levels of activity in which it looks normal.
The activity difference between different times are quite large:
You weren’t shadow banned.
The new sponsorship system does subtract immersions, because of many games battling over the sponsorship, as they got no other choice.