I think there is a virus in my game

Hello All,

I own a Hotel Group called Sponge Hotels, and every time someone joins our Training center something pops up loading them basically to another game. It says “RobloxFastLoading” then returns to what looks like the normal game.

This is really affecting us as we hold a lot of Training there and we can’t have a virus in the game.

If you have any ways to fix this or know of his virus please tell me below.


did some digging, found a very “pretentious” message and the associated account
your best bet is to remove scripts that you don’t know the origin of (i.e. any free model scripts)


Yes that is a backdoor. Backdoors usually teleport players to a game where it is HTTPEnabled and they teleport you with TeleportData which is used to send logs to their discord server so they know that your game has been infected.

If you would want some help, you may add me on discord which is on my profile.


The top items of the library are backdoored botted things now. Models, Plugins, even MeshParts!

I’ve inspected one of the backdoored plugins recently, and it leads to some ‘loading…’ place, which is probably the game that @minkmink linked.

There’s a good chance you installed one of these backdoored plugins in Roblox Studio, so check your list of studio plugins and ensure they are the legitimate ones. In particular, delete any plugins published by RobloxTopPlugins, as those are copies designed to inject backdoor scripts.


Thanks! I will make sure to do that.

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Be very careful with any sort of plugin or free model you use, for example my sibling had a virus in his game because he had downloaded an F3X plugin and in the description it said “F3X” repeatedly till the description box was full. Those types of plugins are most likely scams.


Do not use free models bro. Try to run a scan with Ro Defender or AntiHax.

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