I tried making an Among Us character in Roblox Studio!

This is what the character looks like. I’m a starter at making pill shapes, and it might not be the best, but I tried.
Any tips to get better?

Does it have the oxygen tank thing on it’s back? I can’t see it on the back

Yeah, that’s the main thing he’s missing is the tank.

You can probably use a single brick as the oxygen tank. I’ve been thinking of making an among us character rig.

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Hi, if you want the truth, it looks quite bad (atleast for me).
I would personnally fix the errors on the union between sperhe and circle.
The legs are not detailed either
You should mix color tho, and make like ‘rendered’ character

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Sorry but this just looks like you smashed together with a few parts in-studio and put a title on it. - Sorry if that sounded a bit harsh.

But, you are missing the details in the goggles, the backpack, and most importantly; the detail in general.