I tried to make a rough copy of the rhine 1945 bridge,I did 3 days for 5 hours approximately, more than 40K Parts.You can pay a little attention and evaluate it.
by the way I took only trees and sandbags from the ToolBox
I tried to make a rough copy of the rhine 1945 bridge,I did 3 days for 5 hours approximately, more than 40K Parts.You can pay a little attention and evaluate it.
by the way I took only trees and sandbags from the ToolBox
Damn not bad, I would say to improve the windows on the towers, maybe add some details, it just threw me off for some reason, this is too good for a rough copy, Great Job! Keep it up!
Looks awesome. like @legendarydude1111 said do something with the windows. For me, the bridge looks like one used in WW2 so maybe put some soldiers, cannons or something in the windows.
I think it look abustle shimmy, just for a small rough “ProtoType”. I like it, I can wait to see more!!!
Keep The Yup the Great, Work, My Fellow, ROBLOXAIN!!!
Looks great, I love the amount of detail that you put in the structure. Very clean!
I’m a huge history fanatic, and I love this; if you want to give it that war feel even further, you could add defences and wooden platforms which US soldiers used to traverse the bridge on March 1945. Like this:
it’s a good idea,but I can’t do it,it’s like taking down the first floor of a skyscraper.
I don’t think,although it is possible to add a grid, but no more, and it seems that they were not