I tried to make an entire album that's "so bad, it's good"


Vacant Apartment

Vacant Apartment is an album. An album I made for no real reason. I wanted to make an album that’s so bad it’s good, and I think I did a decent job. I made this entire thing in about 3-4 hours. Have “fun” listening.

Vacant Apartment album art


square tortoise

sidewalk bisector

yogerutawodemsi and the myo



quintuple yagahhswhha

prophecy of apple

paper anthem c

loophole photosynthesis

hexagonal vegetable

i cant stop thinking whenever

down on the

complimentary egg


From an atonal, experimental, avant garde view it’s really great. My only suggestion is maybe don’t clip the audio and try to normalize it through the tracks as it’ll make for an easier listening experience in that regard rather than blow someone’s ears out :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the positive feedback! :D

After listening to all of the music, I think this has lore

When I looked at the logo, I thought further that this really has lore because the text was really hard to read

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The lore:

I was bored

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You should’ve added a headphones warning…