I tried to recreate the domino crown

Today I tried recreating the domino crown. I also textured it and stuff. The modeling and texturing did not take that long. heres an image


oh yeah, here is the texture, (edit) i tried to make it orange lol texture

thats actually really good and honestly better then the original i think


I like how the domino crown is plain and simple, but now for the advanced level, try adding some meshes that goes with the crown, like gold or diamond.

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Love it, nice work man!
Texture is simple, but does its job!

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Thank you guys so much for the nice comments :smiley:

I decided to animate the crown. I could not render it so I straight up recorded it from blender

my laptop cant handle blender really well

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Looks pretty darn accurate! To be honest, like @IProgramForFun stated, this is better than the og! Keep up the good work!

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I think it looks a bit better than the original! Good job.

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That’s amazing but I would recommend cleaning it up a little bit and adding a different texture.

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