I wanna make a map for a roleplay game, But i don't know how to add water in a area, What to add to the roleplay map?

The topic says it all i dont have to a word from here

Well you could use a simple part and change it to blue reflectance 1 and transparency

No. like water to swim in LIke ERLC or Greenville

This might help HOW TO MAKE SWIMMABLE WATER IN ROBLOX STUDIO! (2020) New! - YouTube

Make the map, place some parts to indicate where water should be, and tell the developers to place water where the parts are. This only if you want Terrain water.

For terrain water, do the following method:

Thats it!

or use the part to terrian plugin and insert a part, scale it to whatever size you want the lake to be, then select water and then tap on the part to change it to water. (The water will be a bit higher than the actual part so just be careful about that.)

How would you go about making water like in Brookhaven RP? The water looks like a part! But you can swim!

Not really sure about water prperties on parts since I haven’t experimented with them. Best guess is to overlap the terrain water with a part.

I have never thought of that. Great idea. I might try that!