Hey I am making a shop GUI in Roblox I want the ScrollingFrame to scroll more because I added many tools I tried changing CanvasSize but instead of scrolling more it made everything worse Heres a video showing the issue
Hey I am making a shop GUI in Roblox I want the ScrollingFrame to scroll more because I added many tools I tried changing CanvasSize but instead of scrolling more it made everything worse Heres a video showing the issue
Am I correct in assuming that you have a UIGridLayout in your scrolling frame?
yeah i use uigridlayout i just need scrollbar to scroll bit more
From looking around, it seems like changing the AbsoluteContentSize of the UIGridLayout can resolve the issue. Note that you may need to update it every time the screensize changes.
its showing like this how to change??
Ah, nvm then. Let me quickly look around some more
Worst case scenario - you can put each element into its own, slightly larger, frame, such that any padding is already built in to the element. Then, set the UIGridLayout padding to 0 and the scrolling frame should work better.
Try turning automatic canvas size to be Y
oh i fixed it somehow thanks for help anyways
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