[I am editting this post to give you guys the link to the A.I if you are curious since someone did ask earlier ChatGPT]
So as many of us have heard. A new A.I has come out called ChatGTP or under another name of Open.AI. I have went and tested it on multiple topics and thats when I thought, hey can it do Roblox code?
It came to my surprise that YES. It does perform Roblox scripting, but at a minimal level for now.
All it takes for you is to tell it what to basically do. I asked it to write me a script where a player presses a button on their keyboard, it will make the player teleport, but the code wasn’t up to par so I asked it to add a UserInputService and it did exactly that.
This is the code it gave me and I tested it out, and it actually works!
Now yes, the code isn’t the best, but it does what is supposed to do. It finds the HumanoidRootPart and teleports the player to a selected location on the Vector3.
So my generally thoughts on this new A.I that has caught the Software Engineering world by a storm and all English Literature in University as we know it (Yes this A.I can write you a whole Essay. But no it will not give Citations unless you try your best to make it do so). Now I could never see this replacing game programmers since making games is just that complex but as a learning tool and a speed-up tool it can be astonishing. I asked the A.I on questions about certain Roblox topics that a beginner would ask like what are “IPairs and Pairs” and what is an Event or a ModuleScript and it gives you a full VERY CLEAR explanation and example code within seconds compared to googling it or watching a youtube video.
So what are your thoughts on this? A new method of learning how to code? Or the possible demise of us all because A.I is just this smart. Because as far as I see it, it won’t affect anyone of us game devs, but I have seen many Software Engineers go into panic mode.
Oh and before you say “This A.I just looks things through the internet like any human does” and yeah I understand that argument point but no. This A.I has absolutely no access to the internet! Sometimes when you ask it a very specific questions it will just reply with something along the lines of “Sorry, since I got no access to the internet I will have trouble answering this question”. Very cool and amazing technology if it can do so much with little access to the internet.