I want to create a cart ride game, but have no idea how to make the cart move

I built this cart for a cart ride game, but have no idea how to make it actually move

This is what the cart looks like:

The cart should be able to turn with a turn like this:

the cart also needs to be able to have fuel decreasing, that yellow bar you see in the first photo is the counter in percentage. Best preferred if it where a value that i could use gas cans on.

The cart has to stop working if the engine if not there.

I know this is a lot I am asking for and I do not expect you to make the whole cart, but if you know any posts about this that I didn’t find or any YouTube videos that I didn’t find, that would be great.


I recommend you try to create small and simple projects instead because this is kinda hard.

local bv = Instance.new("BodyVelocity",Model)
bv.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
bv.Velocity = Model.CFrame.LookVector  * 100

You can still try to do it, but it will take time. (never tried to do a cart ride game, i might be incorrect)

that’s deprecated, an alternative can be linearvelocity

That’s worst, linear velocity will disable any roblox physics acting on it, as a result, incase train derails, it will still be flying the same height, the new alternate of it is not Linear Velocity, it is vector velocity

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Don’t spread false information. VectorForce is a replacement for BodyThrust and BodyVelocity’s replacement is LinearVelocity.

Additionally, you can change it to line mode so it doesn’t fall and detail.

It may be hard but I want to try new things, if i never challenge myself ill never get better.

Would anybody think making the wheels just rotate work? Maybe make it have more grip so it moves?

I think I can just use an if statement to see if the engine is not nil so that engine part seems not very hard.
maybe I can create a number value called “Fuel” and make it decrease, but I don’t exactly know how to make it decrease only while it is moving, especially if they make the cart go faster.

If any of my ideas seem like they will not work, please let me know.

Nope, check the creator documentation

		local Attachment0 = Instance.new("Attachment")
		Attachment0.Parent = Model
		local lv = Instance.new("LinearVelocity")
		lv.Parent = Model
		lv.Attachment0 = Attachment0
		lv.MaxForce = math.huge
		lv.VectorVelocity = Model.CFrame.LookVector  * 100

This is more troublesome, if it is a simple function, there is no essential difference

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This will hopefully work, I will add this to a function that will happen when the green button is clicked.

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The creator documentation is wrong, since they used that text for all BodyMover descriptions (except for gyro and position) since someone was lazy. I eventually found out that LinearVelocity behaves similarly to BodyVelocity so I suspect that it’s the direct replacement to it.

@gao13999 this works, but the cart can not turn. Do you know a way to fix this?

Thanks to @gao13999, the cart moves. The cart did not turn but I solved that myself. Thank you to everyone who helped!

Happy to hear this! What will be the game?

The game will be called cart ride game advanced (crga) It will be a cart ride game but everyone gets their own cart spawn (to stop annoying people from flooding it) and you will be able to fire guns and rockets at people as you drive by them. there will also be fuel and engines that can overheat and explode.

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