I want to Deal damage to a parts humanoid after a punch anim is played

How would I go about dealing damage to a Wall when a punch anim is played like in this game?

People would make a wall that Contains a Property as Health, where you can give something Custom Health, If you want to create an Attribute Manually, go to the Very Bottom of the Properties Menu, and Down to the Attributes menu, and Create two Attributes called Health, and MaxHealth.
If you want to create it by script, you will use the SetAttribute function, if there is no Attribute under that specific name, it will create one:

BasePart:SetAttribute("MaxHealth", 100) -- sets 'MaxHealth' Attribute
BasePart:SetAttribute("Health", BasePart:GetAttribute("MaxHealth")) -- Sets Attribute using 'MaxHealth' Attribute

If you really wanted to, you can apply a Tag to Keep track of Walls, using CollectionService.

To Raycast, we can then use the Direction the Player is Facing, with their HumanoidRootPart as the Starting point, and theit LookVector as their Direction, but when you make Raycasts, you have to have a Range to it, which is why we Multiple the Direction.
While being Optional, Its still Recommended that you use RaycastParams to Filter, and Modify your Raycast, In this case, we would be filtering the Player’s Character.WIth this System, You can use a RemoteEvent to fire from Client to Server, but Keep in mind that this would make your code insecure, and you would need to secure it with all is called Sanity Checks.

remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, range, damage)
    -- 'player' is our Player
    -- 'range' is how much we want it to go
    -- 'damage' is how much damage we deal

    local params = RaycastParams.new() -- RaycastParams
    params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {player.Character} -- Filter out our Character
    params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist -- sets it so it ignores the Items

    local hrp = p.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- looks for HumanoidRootPart
    if not hrp then return end -- ends if the HumanoidRootPart is not found
    local result = workspace:Raycast(
        -- First Argument is the Position, where the ray will start
        -- Second Argument is the Direction, where the ray will go
        -- Third Argument is the RaycastParams, the Optional bit
        hrp.Position, -- the Position of the Humanoid
        hrp.CFrame.LookVector * range, -- the way the Character is facing times the range
        params -- the RaycastParams

And when the Raycast is successful, we can then check if they have these properties to “deal them damage”

if result then -- If the Raycast was a Success
    local Item = result.Instance -- the Object we Hit
    local health = item:GetAttribute("Health") -- Gets the 'Health' Attribute
    if Health then -- if the Attribute Exists in the Object
         local maxHealth = item:GetAttribute("MaxHealth") 
         local dmgResult = math.clamp(health - damage, 0, maxHealth) -- sets a limit to how much you can deal, while dealing damage
         item:SetAttribute("Health", dmgResult) -- subtracts the current Amount with the damage result
         if item:GetAttribute("MaxHealth") == 0 then -- if the Wall is 'Dead'
            -- Do whatever here

This can also be done with ValueBase related Items.

This is Typically how its done, there are other methods, but this would be a common way of doing it, and more so a simple one.

like this?

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local PunchEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Storage.Remotes.Punch

local Zone1Parts = game.Workspace.Map.Zone1.Model

PunchEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, range, damage)
	-- 'player' is our Player
	-- 'range' is how much we want it to go
	-- 'damage' is how much damage we deal
	for _, v in pairs (Zone1Parts:GetDescendants())do
		Zone1Parts:GetChildren():SetAttribute("MaxHealth", 100) -- sets 'MaxHealth' Attribute
		Zone1Parts:GetChildren():SetAttribute("Health", Zone1Parts:GetChildren():GetAttribute("MaxHealth")) -- Sets Attribute using 'MaxHealth' Attribute

	local params = RaycastParams.new() -- RaycastParams
	params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {player.Character} -- Filter out our Character
	params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist -- sets it so it ignores the Items

	local hrp = p.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") -- looks for HumanoidRootPart
	if not hrp then return end -- ends if the HumanoidRootPart is not found
	local result = workspace:Raycast(
		-- First Argument is the Position, where the ray will start
		-- Second Argument is the Direction, where the ray will go
		-- Third Argument is the RaycastParams, the Optional bit
		hrp.Position, -- the Position of the Humanoid
		hrp.CFrame.LookVector * range, -- the way the Character is facing times the range
		--params -- the RaycastParams
		if result then -- If the Raycast was a Success
			local Item = result.Instance -- the Object we Hit
			local health = item:GetAttribute("Health") -- Gets the 'Health' Attribute
			if Health then -- if the Attribute Exists in the Object
				local maxHealth = item:GetAttribute("MaxHealth") 

				local dmgResult = math.clamp(health - damage, 0, maxHealth) -- sets a limit to how much you can deal, while dealing damage
				item:SetAttribute("Health", dmgResult) -- subtracts the current Amount with the damage result
				if item:GetAttribute("MaxHealth") == 0 then -- if the Wall is 'Dead'
					-- Do whatever here