I want to know how to make gui like this

I want to know how to make gui like this
I wanna to know how to make number go up and down like that
I tried using the uilistlayout but i turn out like this

So yeah i hope you guys can help me :sunglasses:

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There was this tutorial from long ago which achieves a somewhat similar effect:

Basically, have two frames, one at the top and one at the middle. Simply, tween the top one to the middle’s position and the middle out of the way, and teleport it back up. If you want to make it look more “random”, add a TextLabel inside the frame and randomize it’s position inside the frame. Don’t forget to select “IgnoreGUIInset” in the main frame holder (the one that the two moving frames will bein) so that the “out of bounds” text will not be shown.

You can use Udim2 and TweenPosition
You can just use one textlabel and clone it!
It could look like this:

local NumberText = [Your textlabel] --You should change the textlabel's text to 0 first
local Number = 1
repeat --You can change this to however you want it to trigger
  NumberText.Text = Number
  NumberText:Clone():TweenPosition(Udim2.new(0,0,0,0), Out, Bounce, 0)
  --TweenPosition goes like this: End position, Easing direction, Easing Style, Time, Override (unnecessary), Callback (unnecessary)
  Number = Number + 1
until Number == 11

You may configure the TweenPosition as you like (and you can also remove the time, ease direction and style).

Hope this is what you were looking for!

EDIT: If you want it to move to a random X position like shown in the video you can use math.random
Something like this:

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i tried this out and it gave me this eror
–Can only tween objects in the workspace
How can i fix it?

Can you show me what you wrote in your script?


local NumberText = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
local Number = 1
repeat --You can change this to however you want it to trigger
	NumberText.Text = Number
	NumberText:Clone():TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,0,0), "Out", "Bounce", 1)
	--TweenPosition goes like this: End position, Easing direction, Easing Style, Time, Override (unnecessary), Callback (unnecessary)
	Number = Number + 1
until Number == 11```

My bad, I made a typo.

In “easing direction” and “easing style” use enum


It’s still giving me the same eror
Here’s what i wrote

local NumberText = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
local Number = 1
repeat --You can change this to however you want it to trigger
	NumberText.Text = Number
	NumberText:Clone():TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, 1)
	--TweenPosition goes like this: End position, Easing direction, Easing Style, Time, Override (unnecessary), Callback (unnecessary)
	Number = Number + 1
until Number == 11

I can’t figure out why this error occurs.
I found out the textlabel won’t appear when you clone it so maybe that’s the problem.
Try @Batimius’s way!

Wow it worked! Thank you very much! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: