I want to make a coin gui

I want to make a coin gui because to make it’s awesome and cool. But I do not know want to for the script. I’m a little confused. Can someone help me with the solution?

your request is kinda weird. If you dont want a script why did you send it in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support


I’m a bit confused. Could you try explain?

If you want a gui try looking up on the internet or make one yourself with inspiration from the gui you looked up.

When making requests, please provide as much information as you can. There’s many tutorials on YouTube that might help you.

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Like to make a icon with the value. But I worked on a script it’s didn’t work.

I meant i do not know the script.

So you are asking for a direct script? Mind posting your current one? Just so you know this is not a place to ask for word-by-word scripts.