I want to use Perlin noise to make a map

I want to use Perlin noise to generate a map.
I looked at some tutorials but even those are confusing. I don’t know how well it would work for what I’m planning. I want to create terrain that blends using hexagon pillars. I also want the pillars to snap to a grid but I haven’t been able to get them to do that just by moving them around.
I made this as sort of an example:

The scripts that I found are confusing and I’m not sure what changing things would do. I don’t even know if they would work with this. I am not skilled enough to make anything too complicated. I can only make simple stuff just off the top of my head.
If there is anybody who can explain what changing stuff would do in the scripts and what I shouldn’t change or even if this will work for what I’m planning please tell me.
I found this post on how to use Perlin noise but I don’t understand some of the stuff. I only know one other way that I could achieve what I’m trying to do but it would be a lot worse. I would make clones of 50 stud tall pillars, make their y position random between -25 and 25. I would then make the position random between (x value, z value). This would not blend smoothly and it would not snap to a grid.
I wish I didn’t want to try and do stuff so complicated when I don’t know how but I do, even though I have no knowledge on this stuff.

Perlin noise is just a function that gives you smooth noise. It is defined in a way that doesn’t care about the number of dimensions you use it in or what you use the results for. In your case, since you want heights for specific points in 2D space, you would put the X/Z locations of your pillars into the function and use the output as the height. It does not care that the points you are sampling are not on a square grid, the result will still be smooth (UNLESS).
Can you explain more about what parts you dont think will work? I have a feeling I know but I don’t want to assume; it has to do with the frequency and output range, specifically when using multiple layers of noise to get more detail (more “octaves”).


I have no idea what you just said or how it works but I will try it when I get the chance. I’m not sure if the hexagon shape will work for this because I want it to snap to fit perfectly with one another. I’m not sure if it would align the parts together like that or if I would have to do something to make that happen.

By fit together do you mean horizontally? You get to pick the horizontal position, the noise will just tell you what height that position should be.

When I saw fit together I mean like this:
Let’s say I have 100 pillars. I then put each pillar touching one or more sides of another pillar on a baseplate. I mean like that. I don’t want the parts inside of one another, I just want them touching.

Yeah, you can do that, you dont have to use the output of the function to change the x and z position of the hexagons.