I want you to give me your first reaction. User Interface for a Roblox Game

Hello all.

I wanted to showcase this User Interface that I made for an upcoming game on the Roblox Platform. I wanted to get an outsider’s point of view of how they imagine they would react to User Interface such as this in a Roblox game. What would your first impression be of the game? Would it excite you to play the game? Would you notice the difference of UI compared to other games?

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.


That looks brilliant! The only concern I have is internationalisation; since Roblox doesn’t natively support the font you use, you’d have to use images, which are much harder to use when dealing with multiple languages.

Other than that, the quality is exceptional!


Time to grained on this game.

Yes, it would because, it looks so different and fun to play on.

Yes, it’s new and the game is just saying it’s good just from the UI.

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It ostensibly looks very good, but you forgot the most important part of the UI: showing information!

Your text is generally too small and also way too low contrast compared to the background. Remember that a lot of players play primarily on mobile… this does not look like something that will be easy to read / use on a phone sized device.


I personally think it is perfect for PC. I believe compatibility for mobile should be done by making different UIs optimized for mobile rather than just making things bigger.

I think this UI is perfect. Good job!


I generally agree, but this UI already looks like it’s putting some thought towards mobile by keeping the amount of information in each popup very limited. Just not enough thought IMO.


Wow, that’s pretty good

If you want my honest feedback: I really like the UI. although i have seem many UIs that look good on paper but not that great in Roblox itself

I don’t really have any feedback- but you did ask for my reaction :tongue:

I tend to judge games more on gameplay, but a bad UI sticks out to me like a sore thumb- because it’s on par with bad gameplay.
In my opinion, if you have good UI and good gameplay- you’ll be going places.

Probably :man_shrugging:
As I said above, UI is important- but it needs to be judged in hand with other things.

Your UI (to me at least) is very unique. Although I am not very familiar with the genre of your game.

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Woah, this is amazing. Hardly see people with UI making skills like this, it looks like its from a well-made RPG game. You could earn alot of money with a skill like this.

It looks so different and unique at the same time. I can tell this would be a top-tier roblox game, and in fact, I would play it, and so would 8 other people I showed this to. :+1:

Don’t really have any feedback for improvements as it looks great.

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This UI looks incredible! I have got to say you are an extremely talented UI designer.

To make any real judgement I will need to see the rest of the game. However just based off the UI, the first word that came to mind when I saw it was “incredible.”

If the game is at the same standard of this UI then I will definitely try the game out. It looks like this UI is for a mmorpg game and I really enjoy those sorts of games. Everything in this UI seems to work and not feel out of place.

Most likely because a lot of games UI on Roblox is no where near as good as this. Also your UI seems to stand out from the rest because it is very unique.

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Devil’s Advocate

I’m gonna play Devil’s Advocate here. And this will all be just my opinion. And a lot of people are probably going to disagree with me.

All I see is positive stuff in these comments, not flaws

You’ve already had tons of people say that it looks really good and professional, and it does. But what comes to mind when I look at it? Well, let’s pick it apart on the bad side.

Bad Side

If you were to ask me what the first thing that comes to mind is, I’d say "Another grindy RPG that uses the same formula as every other grindy RPG"

You can clearly tell this is a stat-based game. You work hard for linear progression which typically involves fighting NPCs, and then fighting some NPCs that are like those NPCs, but stronger NPCs, and you go on this loop for hours, killing enemies that are just reskinned powerful versions of the last NPCs.

When I think of an interesting RPG, I do not think of Vesteria, I love their team and what they’re doing, but they’re adding loads of content to a very limited amount of core mechanics. I think of innovative games like Rogue Lineage and Tales From the Valley where you don’t just progress in a linear fashion, the combat being about muscle memory and knowing when to use what.

Did they win because I’m bad at the game and I should just “git gud”? No. They won because they grinded for days straight.

What do I think when looking at the green R? Well I think "Oh no, mechanical microtransactions!"

Don’t get me wrong, developer’s need money, and that’s okay, but if I can just quickly pay some robux to give myself an advantage over my opponent (unless there is no pvp) then that kinda hurts the experience. Did they win because I’m bad at the game and I should just “git gud”? No. They won because they paid up.

Good Side

What’s the first thing that hits my mind when I see “party?” Oh heck yeah, I get to play and have fun with my friends! Now all I gotta do is make some friends…

Honestly, ANY game is better with friends, by teaming up and using our each of our unique abilities to overcome challenges, we will likely have a better experience than just going it alone. By giving the option to go it alone OR team up with people, you get the best of both worlds.

What do I think when looking at anything with “kills” and numbers? Oh boy I get to take pictures about how much better I am than everyone at this game! Still looking for those friends…

By having some way to prove your skills, say like kill counts and different kinds of kills, it can allow the player some validation in knowing they’re pretty good at the game. This can cause people to become more competitive and thus adding more excitement to the game.

Hope this provided some helpful feedback! I just noticed that really nobody else was talking about the flaws that come to mind when looking at these images.

Take care and good luck!


My only concern is your font, as a lot have pointed out. Perhaps it would be interesting to create a custom font plugin on Roblox as to keep font quality. But besides that, it’s very well made! Good job! :slight_smile:


Simply amazing—I cannot think of a way to criticize this. Let me know when the game comes out, can’t wait to play it!

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Very RPG looking. I think it’s nice.


Your GUIs are very good. I just have to tell you something. The code redeem GUI could just have a box when you click it, and not click one more button in order to reach the code redeem field. Also, in the party information GUI I would just change the place between the Invite Members and Party Members menus. Reason? This “Delete Party” button because it matches more to be together with the Party Members menu. That’s what I wanted to tell, have a nice day and continue this great work!