I was hacked and recently (2 days ago) just lost 190k. What should I do?

You might have noticed when doing that rollback that they very clearly mention it is a one time courtesy.

I made the same mistake of rolling back a measly 350 robux when I was younger and unfortunately you cannot rollback your account at all from that point onwards

I just checked the account ā€œpoolrtreesā€, and itā€™s terminated now.

And the carrying and moving of the SSHF is still happening too.

Note: the owner after me (scammed me) was: ā€œblueless908ā€.

Also, it has been 20 days since I got scammed and I believe I canā€™t get it back since I contacted support multiple times but didnā€™t recieve my item.

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That sucks man. I wish you well on what you find yourself to be doing next.

maybe you got hacked because of one of your roblox friends. i got hacked before because of it

Really? How did that happen? Iā€™m curious to know what went down.

i cant tell because i just got flagged because of explaining

This happened to me and roblox did nothing, try messaging them and you might be able to get a roll back, I lost 2M. moderation sucks

if you didnt click any malicious links, install any dangerous files, let anyone login to your account or touch your pc; your network is being breached

dont click links like: http://freerobuxveryreal10010010101010.mymomboughtmeanewpc.yay or even short links like: http://aufdeheidebluht.abogus itā€™s most likely going to give you a fake roblox prompt or just logs your cookie with some exploit, or maybe install a very very very very dangerous file to your computer. https: protocol can be dangerous, but http: is WAY MORE untrustable

dont install files like: robloxsupermodifier.exe, robloxpetsimulator69codes.txt.exe, you may dont know what their actual file extensions are or what they do to you.

if you dont want anyone to touch your pc, put up a pin to your os

if you dont want your network to be breached, setup your own wifi or lan and dont give anyone a crap about it

like @nizypizy2000 said dont trust your online friends more than your loved ones, they may be someone evil or even a pedophile going to your girlfriendā€™s house

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I have the extension RoSearcher still on my chrome. Is that a reason?

Oh, thatā€™s likely why. You should remove the extension immediately, but the damage has already been done since a few months ago.

No, donā€™t use that. A year ago, similar extensions including that one contained a vulnerability that allowed users to somehow steal your session (it was likely an XSS exploit).

Or possibly the extension is the malware.

Last day. The 30-day time would end tomorrow. This is the last support ticket I got.

___ (Roblox)

Mar 1, 2023, 12:56 AM PST

Hello Muatasim,

Thank you for your patience.

We have reviewed your request and we are not able to restore the item/currency/group to you. Our internal tracking tools do not show that your account was compromised at the time. There was also no issue with the trading or sales systems.

Please check out our help article Player Trading Scams for more information on how to avoid being scammed and what to do if you see someone scamming.

Thank you for your understanding.


Account Restoration Specialist
Roblox Support

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