I went too far with the questionnaire

I might have exaggerated some things while answering the questionnaire, rating a game I was working on as 17+, and now I can’t access the game at all

is there anything I can do to at least get a copy of the place, or is the game just doomed?

Please note that I was not making a game that was supposed to be 17+, and I think it wouldn’t be 17+ if rated accurately

as an addition, I’ve tried to download the place file from the website
and it gave me this error as a result when I tried to open it



The questionnaires aren’t trolls, they are valuable metrics for Roblox('s investors.) I don’t believe there is a way for you to get it back, but I haven’t been in this situation. If you’re under 17, just wait a few years or give Roblox('s marketing partners) your ID.


Auto save files is something I would recommend checking.


It seems like Roblox didn’t make an Auto-save while I was in the place


Then your only options are attempt to redo the questionnaire if possible, contact roblox support or admit that the game is doomed.

Out of all of those I would recommend the first 2 before giving up.


I’ve tried to redo the questionnaire, but they locked that too, I guess I will try contacting support, thank you



Change placeidhere to the place id and then visit the link and it should download the place.
After it’s downloaded, change the file to an .rbxl extension if it isn’t already.


seemed convincing at first,

sounds like Roblox thought of it as well, thank you for your reply regardless


Hmm try this then, most likely won’t work but at least try.

  • Go to Log in to Roblox and make sure you are logged in

  • Open the Console in Developer Tools (CTRL + SHIFT + I)

  • Press Console

  • Paste this code into the console and replace the assetId with your place Id

js fetch('https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/v1/assets/batch', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Roblox-Place-Id': '0', //IGNORE THIS AND THE HEADERS 'Roblox-Browser-Asset-Request': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify([ { "assetId": 3258244, //CHANGE TO PLACEID "RequestId": "1" } ]) }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));


Then if it has worked, click this arrow and it will show you the download location

BTW, usually if someone asks you to paste code into the console, DO NOT do it. But this code I sent you is fine.


Console tab.

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I’m really keen to see whether this will bypass the restriction. Theoretically, it shouldn’t but roblox engineers may have not put the age restriction in all of their apis.


either you typed something wrong, or Im doing something wrong, I tried a few times (had to remove your comments because it was displaying the whole thing as commented)

/ or we just didn’t get through the restriction, just realized

and, thank you for the warning,

even Google warns you about this, and I have been on the platform long enough to know not to paste random code into the console without reading it through though


as for the Roblox support method, they just sent me a completely irrelevant email about refunds and basic information on account restriction


Go here then:

Make sure v1 is selected

Then scroll down to Batch

Click Try It Out

Then for these put the following:

Then for the assetRequestItems paste this

  { "assetId": yourplaceidhere,
    "RequestId": "1" 

And put your placeid there into assetid and then click execute, scroll down and look for response body.


Make an alt account that has a birthdate as far back as you can go. Then go into settings and verify phone number and email. Then turn on 17+ experiences and try to get the game shared with your alt. If you manage to do that your alt can change the questionnaire

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we get the same response, I was hopeful with this one

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I guess the last last thing to be to select v2 instead and do it, although most likely it’s not gonna work.

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can you change your account age (date of birth)?

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I tried it, and after setting my birthdate to the 1900s, only goes up to 13+
looks like you need to actually verify your account to be 17+

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tried it with v2, looks like I’m out of luck, thank you for trying to help me regardless

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