Hello, I would like to hear what other developers think of this UI.
For a first ui that looks great!
Edges look fairly clean, although .your “Codes” colour and size doesn’t really fit the current style.
Also, the Green UI you have in the bottom left is barely visible - I didn’t notice it until seeing the hamburger button.
Some OCD players will find the size of the bars annoying, but its not terrible.
However, how does it look on other device types?
Cross-Platform Development (roblox.com)
Platform (roblox.com)
Keep the yellow, green, and blue bars all the same size
Move the codes counter so it’s aligned with the next above it
Center the slots and bars.
Very nice, but only for the codes, instead of that style you could just go with curve square UI.
i mean its 5000 times better than my first ui or even my current ui so nice
id maybe make just 2 stat bars though and split them so its easy to look at