I Would Like to Hear Some Feedback on a Game I'm Currently Working on

Hey guys,
I’m currently working on a single-player, first-person zombie fighting game. This game is only for PC. I was inspired by games like Michael’s Zombies, Zombie Uprising, and of course, Zombie Attack. I have been working on it for a while now, and I’d like some feedback from actual players. (Yes, I imported animations and gun models from MW19)

Here is the game link (keep in mind it’s still not done and there may be bugs!)


I think this is great! You really got most of the fundamentals down, the guns feel fun!

The zombies were great, but they seemed rather forgetful when you turned a corner or just didn’t seem to really mind me sometimes. The guns also sometimes seemed to shoot really off, as in going way above my cursor, but it seemed rather unoften.

As I said, the fundamentals are great! I’d love to see this continued with more meat on it’s bones!


Thank you so much for the feedback. I will definitely try to fix the guns and the zombies. Again, thanks for the feedback!

I honestly think this system is nice. Even with the game’s simplicity, I got addicted and kept playing until Wave 20. Although it quite obviously needs to be worked on more (maps, bug fixes, etcetera), it already is fun to play around with. I recommend adding more visual effects when you kill a zombie (e.g. UI) to make it feel more rewarding, since the audio is already extremely satisfying.

Nice job!


Yooooo, thanks for playing! Thanks for the feedback! I will try to make killing more rewarding since, yes, it is a little boring!