Since its a simulator, which is a heavily competitive area you will need to run a lot of ads. However with simulators there are a lot of risk so I’d advise running around 5k on ads before you spend a lot, just so you know that people are enjoying your game or if you need to redo anything.
Is there any other way to popularize it without spending money for it?
It’s my first game so I don’t really have funds.
So the only way to advise it is to pay more than 50 $ in Robux…
To promote your game highest change you will have to run ads but if you want to do it for free
send it to everyone and promote it on social media and spread the word
also make a great game icon to stand out and if you have even a tiny amount of robux you can sponsor your game by clicking on sponsor.
Start out with a small audience. Get feedback and really perfect your game. Fine tune it so that even the most negative people enjoy playing. Once you have a solid game, run ads. Simply, advertising is the best way to popularize your game. However, you said you lack funding. Now, if you want to take the risk, yes, spend some money. For all you know, it could provide a profit. However, I found in my game release, that an investor was ideal.
My first big game ever was invested in by someone for 40k, in return for 30% and 10k back. Now, this seems like a lot, and it is for new games, but it will benefit your popularity in the future. I got 45,000 visits in one day purely by running advertisements.
Sponsoring your game is also a newer way to promote your game. It makes your game pop up on peoples search results and even front page (if you sponsor with a lot of robux).
Lastly, just tell people about it. Go to places like hangouts and invite them to play. Tell your friends, tell their friends. Post on on your socials. Just get the message out, “Hey, play my game!”
I hope this helps. Good luck in the future of your game.
Slowly build a fanbase before your game releases or while its in development this saves a lot of time make a discord group and get others to join and post teasers there
Yes that ones a good one i started off doing that and became friends with most of the people and they are always active and telling everyone about the game my group makes.
Cool Creations is for showcasing things you’ve created. If you aren’t sure where to put something, then please read the category guidelines and summaries of other categories - you can surely do that much. Game Design Support is for building up the concepts and design of your game. This can go in that category and as such, I’ve recategorised it.