Icon not loading why?

So this is the icon of the game
that displays
this is the original icon

is there something SUS that Roblox thinks that “wE shOUld NoT diSPLaY tHiS aS tHIs Is InAPPRoPriatE” lol I tried mimic Roblox
I think the thing that they think is bad are the faces like in my thumbnail
the faces are as small as a grain of sand so i think thats why Roblox dosent approve but would like to see your replies

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If you separate the words….

yeah. But still don’t get it why Roblox moderated it.

hmm dont think so cuz i did made this group icon

and it works fine

You could try re-uploading the icon.

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the phrase Hang man might be the problem, try changing the the file name or the text and see if it works. You could find the problem

Roblox probably moderated it because it had ‘Hang’ in it. I don’t exactly remember but I think a long time ago it was an execution game and maybe that’s why Roblox moderated it too. Try renaming it to something else and it should work, the faces aren’t the problem.

but they didnt moderated this icon

it wasnt a LONG time its still alive tbh


If it doesn’t show up

Solution 1: Roblox is glitched and need to upload it again.

Solution 2: Got declined through Roblox moderation.

Solution 3: You uploaded the wrong file.

Hope this helps!


2 option looks more resonable option 1 dosent work option 2 is false

Hi Epoxy. Occasionally this can happen and all it requires is patience. Leave it for a few hours and see if it fixes itself (Happens to me sometimes) otherwise try to reupload the icon or modify it slightly (color or text potion, etc), that way it gets remoderated and likely uploaded.

hmm i tried reuploading it before i guess have to fix the things thanks!

Yeah, because when you change the icon slightly, Roblox will register it as a new icon and have to moderate it again, so it could have just been a bug the first time not uploading correctly. Hope this works!

hmm thats a really good explanation no wonder the group icon went thru and the original icon didnt! thanks for the help ill be marking this post (that i reply to) as the solution.

WOW! thank you so much! it works perfectly!