ICYMI: Experience controls test starting November 20!

Pretty old but this update is inconveniencing desktop players a lot, especially with the chat being in the collapsable menu. If I want to have access to open and close the chat frequently I either have to have the entire menu open at all times which is annoying, or I have to click through it which is just as annoying.

On top of that, if you disable all of the CoreGui in the StarterGui, the little cube icon does not go away. What’s inside of it you might ask? The report button. Before when you disabled all of the CoreGui that was in the menu the button would disappear but now it’s always there because you can’t hide the report button. This ruins immersion in single player horror games and is just annoying because why is the report button so important when I can press escape and tab twice and I’m there in less than 0.2 seconds.

Sure, it looks better I guess, but if they addressed the two issues I said earlier, I would be completely for this update.

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so, since the controls were moved to the left… why is the gap above the playerlist still here, and bigger than before? this looks awful. it should be moved up or something should be placed here.

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Did you read the post? That space is for developers to use it however they want, Roblox got a lot of criticism about it which is why they moved it left.


I like the news feature Roblox have

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I meant there should be something there by default that can easily be disabled, such as the player name display that was visible on the old topbar

Some feedback on Self View:

  • Clicking the Self View button currently places the window in the top-right corner of the screen, requiring you to move your mouse all the way over to the other side so you can drag the window over.
    The window should instead be placed in the top-left corner, where your cursor and the button are actually located. I feel like this was an oversight after the controls were moved from, originally the right corner of the screen, to the left.
    And yes, I’m aware that you can just click and drag the button down to immediately grab the window.

  • Self View is available in any experience that has voice communication enabled, even if camera communication is not. (though you won’t be able to enable your camera in this case)
    It should only be available in voice-enabled experiences if camera communication is also enabled. This is just confusing.

  • Clicking the Self View button shouldn’t immediately enable your camera. There’s already a separate button for toggling your camera in the Self View window itself.

  • SocialService:ShowSelfView() and SocialService:HideSelfView() don’t work with the new experience controls. They both do nothing.

  • Limb animation in the Self View window is completely incorrect on R6 avatars.


hey roblox, so you know how we have these 4 apis

local guiservice = game:GetService("GuiService")
1 - local width = guiservice.TopbarInset.Width
2 - local height = guiservice.TopbarInset.Height
3 - local top_left = guiservice.TopbarInset.Min
4 - local bottom_right = guiservice.TopbarInset.Max

can we get a 5th one please? it would give us the value of the spacing between the buttons so that our buttons can be positioned to match

5 - local spacing = guiservice.TopbarInset.ButtonSpacing -- can you guys add this to the api

i know the spacing is different for mobile and computer and im not sure what the spacing for xbox or playstation would be so this would be great. thanks for considering !
Screen Shot 2023-12-05 at 9.46.28 PM


When will this be enabled for everyone?

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Would it be possible to add items to the top bar flyout? I am running some custom things like the leaderboard, chat, and inventory. It would be nice to be able to add those custom items to give the user a consistent experience.

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The aesthetic of the new top bar fits well aside from the odd camera stuff they have going on. As mentioned, the health bar cannot stay on the left side. It it does, developers are more than likely going to disable it in favor for a custom health bar.

If Roblox is set on having the health bar displayed on the left but doesn’t want developers to disable it, a way to offset the health UI for us to wrap it around our own UI would be useful seeing how it is non-essential.

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I know a bunch of people have already suggested this but im going to too just because i really want this to happen.
Please let us choose which side of the screen the new button is. Thanks

you guys should listen to all the feedback you’ve gotten on the forum

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As of this post, there’s 170 messages. I haven’t read through them all, so my apologies if this was suggested already.

What I would like to see with this new system is the ability to add custom icons to the list for game functionality. I’m not opposed to this change if we can get that feature. The reason being is that I have custom chat, inventory, and leaderboards in my game. Although the leaderboards don’t really apply here, the chat and inventory icons do.


So as it stands, I’m going to have to move the chat icon to the other side of the screen. Note that I’m using Roblox’s own chat icon (rbxasset://textures/ui/TopBar/chatOn.png) to prevent user confusion. It would be better to integrate my chat icon into the new flyout. Even if it’s an event trigger. I don’t think a callback would work since CoreGui and the actors are in different LUA VMs, with different security contexts. However, an engine event that game scripts could bind to for events, and API function calls using something like starterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled() to enable basic functions such as set icon 1, set icon 2, switch between icons, blink between icons, etc… Obviously, there would be some serious restrictions on the icon assets, possibly limiting the available icons to the default Roblox UI icons.


How can I get this? I mean it says only to some users but what did they do to get it?
Edit: wait nvm I got it

Nothing, when Roblox puts something into a testing phase it will be given to random users. You could get it with a FFlag editor tho.

After over 10 years, the roblox health bar has been moved to the opposite side of the screen. After over 10 years, the height of the topbar has been changed from 36 px. In many games the new experience controls overlap the ingame UI designed to work with the CoreGui that has been on roblox for 10+ years.

My only request is that there is an option to switch between these new controls and another set of controls (preferably the ones that Topbar+ works with) that is similar to the layout Roblox has had for 10+ years.

Also, who thought this was a good idea? I genuinely want to know.

It’s gone for my iPad (10th Generation) which had it before. Can this be fixed because new accounts still get the feature

Don’t forget this was due to community feedback! People didn’t like the Unibar on the right side of the screen, so they moved it over to the left side

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I had this, but recently it got removed?

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Seems they reverted it after the beautiful deluge of backlash that barreled into them the second they announced this. It is worth noting that the new experience controls are still in studio, so that may be temporary. We can only hope they listened to us.