ICYMI: Experience controls test starting November 20!

Wow. Hot garbage, that’s all I have to say to describe this. The current one feels intrusive enough, why is it necessary to make it less compact?

And the chat… the elephant in the room here, is hidden behind a menu, which is stupid. R.I.P. mobile user quality of life. I’m hoping that we PC players, at least, can access the chat with slash (like normal) without opening this menu or causing it to open by pressing slash.

Additionally, I hope players will be able to adjust the size of this menu, or, even better switch back to the old one (which is, honestly, what everyone wants here!).

Honestly, I’m most concerned about older games that aren’t getting updated anymore. If this gets added some UIs might look unusual, overlap with the new experience controls or even get broken. Could we get a compromise where only newly updated games will receive this, similarly to how the old and new chat systems can be set by the dev?

Edit: is it possible to open the menu, open the chat and close the menu again without closing chat? If so that would mostly eliminate the chat problem.

i kinda like the design of it, its somewhat clean and intuitive, however there are some stuff i dont like about it

honestly tho, i think the respawn and report buttons kinda useless in the menu

because, one the suicide button ask you if you wanna die (might be better if it was instantaneous)
and the report button you gotta fill out information about the person/experience

both would be better if the roblox cheezit logo did that
because in the escape menu you got an option to respawn and also to report
becuz you got extra junk and too overwhelming for the player and plus i think it’ll be the same amount of button clicks to do that

if you look really closely the at top part of the circle gets cut off, and it kinda annoys me

just leave the chat like it is, its like one of the most used features
and also maybe inventory?

next i think you gotta move the expandable thingy to the right side cuz i might missclick and click the cheezit logo instead (probably be the benefit to the mobile player if moved to the right side)

and also just looks off not symmetrical

also way wayy too many button clicks

  1. click the expandable thingy
  2. click the waffle icon, or whatever its called
  3. click whichever icon you desire
  4. click to close the ui
  5. and one last one to close the expandable menu

and thats my hot take about it, its a bit more confusing than last ui design


My big problem is the chat being built in to the hamburger menu, but if the Roblox menu and hamburger menu are separate, then there won’t be enough UI/UX space. I think they should swap the positions of the chat and Roblox menu because people need to chat more than change the graphics settings and volume.


is there a way to detect if the new menu is opened or closed? i dont want it blocking my ui so i wanna move my ui when its opened

I found something even worse about this UI
not only is it larger than the old one, its larger than the taskbar on my laptop!

this shouldnt be the case at all


I can say one thing and one thing only.


This update is horrible. Every update you are shoving Rthro in our faces, but nobody needs it. The new UI sucks. We are engineers, not architects who like circles just because they are round and omg its r^2*pi.
Also, who wanted communication with camera? Most people do not and will not have dynamic faces. And the UI design? You added a button to show more buttons. Great. Amazing. Good job from the Roblox development team.


I would be fine with this if the height of the topbar was left alone, but as usual you guys just make changes without thinking. Apart from ruining existing UIs with this, you’ve also ruined your own leaderboard since there is now a ton of space between it and the top of the screen.



I mean, this is kind of necessary if you don’t want the UI to occupy the entire screen… but they way they executed it was bottom-tier bad.

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It would be better if the buttons weren’t so big on lower end devices. for me its just too big on my screen.


It would be really nice to have an option to move the default leaderboard up so that the top of it aligns with the left buttons.




I think you know. Also, thanks for fixing the chat button thing last minute!


There isn’t, SetCoreGuiEnabled with Enum.CoreGuiType.All does not disable any of the new topbar elements.

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I doubt the leaderboard will stay here in the end, it will probably get moved up once it is pushed to all clients.

Or, they’ll change it to some BS design we’ll all hate.

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“Sound Tracking On” has to be the weirdest phrasing I’ve ever heard for “your mic is unmuted”.



The emphasis on beta might be a bit over the top :upside_down_face:


Agree, this amount of space shifting the chat and leaderboards down so much is off putting.

I am literally praying at this point that this will be changed again. What was so wrong with the old topbar that it had to be completely changed? Why not just combine the 2?

Everyone already had adapted to the old topbar, so why not make it function the same?
IE: Keep the unibar icon on the right like before, but allow us to disable all CoreGuiTypes inside it to make it invisible.

Working around floating buttons that you cannot disable is insanely hard in a lot of situations, to the point where I think the old old topbar (the one that filled the entire 36 pixel space) was better. It served as a clear boundary, and make fullscreen UI that had IgnoreGuiInset set to false look nice. The new one pretty much prevents this entirely, since either the UI will be overlaid by the topbar, or have a weird empty space above it.

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It would be cool if the topbar was still the same size as the old one for compatibility. Its just too much space being wasted.


rant warning ig

In addition, the new UI height of 48px will break a lot of old, abandoned games that assume the topbar is always 36 pixels. (I mean, it was for about 7 years)

Example from RoBeats:


The new GUI fails on lower resolution phones it seems, a user sent me some screenshots to show me the blur problem they have now.